Your Web experience and Social engagement demand an ongoing stream of strategic content. In the past, you could update your web site every five years, or post without a social plan. Not anymore. Agency|51 develops sites that are responsive, CMS-friendly and content-rich, and we plan and implement social campaigns on engagement and ROI. There’s a difference when digital is done right.


It was May 5th, and the holiday was National Hoagie Day. The goal was to make it officially Primo. So, Primo gave away nearly 10,000 free hoagies! And to keep the celebration going, they offered $5 hoagies all day long. Agency|51 helped PrimoHoagies spread the word through PR, radio, e-blasts and most noticeably via social media. By May 5, the PrimoHoagies Facebook page saw a 10% increase in page “likes” and nearly a 322% increase in engagement. That means over 27,000 people actively “liked,” commented, and shared the National Hoagie Day boosted posts in anticipation for the big day.